Requests for data deletion can be made by our Privacy Center, and filling out the form, selecting "Delete” as the type of request you wish to make. You will then receive a link in your email to verify your email address, and once you verify, the process will be started. You will receive an email confirmation when your deletion request has been completed.
We may deny your deletion request when permitted by applicable law or necessary for business purposes including, without limitation, when the information is needed to comply with our legal obligations (including law enforcement requests), meet regulatory requirements, meet business operations requirements, resolve disputes, maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our Terms of Service, fulfill your request to “unsubscribe” from further messages from us, or confirm that we have deleted your data.
Note: Customers residing in California (due to requirements made by the California Consumer Privacy Act) may also see the option to make this request by logging into your account settings. Please note that you must be signed in to your account in order to make the request. Also, please note that if you delete your personal information, you will permanently lose access to your Grove account and the data in your account.
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