Once you place your order, it generally takes 24-48 hours to be packed in our warehouse, and then 2-5 days to ship to you! When your shipment leaves our warehouse you will get a shipping notification that includes a tracking number for your order.
A couple helpful tips:
- Sometimes we hear from customers that their package has been marked as delivered by the carrier, but they have not yet received it. We recommend waiting 24 hours after the shipment is marked as delivered, as often we see that carriers will end up delivering the package the next day.
- Be sure to check all doors, porches and garages or with with housemates / neighbors if you live in a shared housing situation or an apartment building.
Remember that you can always find your tracking number in your Order History. Just click on the link to access tracking information:
1 comment
Hi! I was supposed to get my shipment yesterday, but I haven't gotten it yet and I can't find the tracking info. Can you send it to me?
We're having bad weather, so it might be stuck at the post office, but I don't want it to freeze.
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